Ambient Textures I / by CM French



For the last couple years I’ve been exploring the space between sound and art, using different recording methods like tape loops and random clips, and how I can make music that is less about me and more a collaboration with The Moment. Allowing more space for randomness and mistakes to become the centerpiece.

It became a practice of embracing all things as they naturally are, more honestly and openly - unconditional love.

Seeing the perfect meaning and beauty in everything a bit more. Since I record over these tape loops each time, it was also an experience of deep acceptance of the nature of impermanence.

This is the first in a series of albums made of those experiments.

You can stream from everywhere or purchase from Bandcamp, but the track titles (which are just the dates when each track was recorded) were “unacceptable” for iTunes so for now, fuck em. If I get enough people saying they wish it was on iTunes I’ll issue an altered version there too. All proceeds will be donated to the NAACP & Black Lives Matter resources.

Artwork by the amazing Summer Sekula, Mastered by Taylor Deupree.